[Eberly-center] ☀look at that nice things

stacyzervos stacyzervos at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 26 12:46:46 EDT 2017


I've made  some nice things,  just look at them, you'll love them! Here  they are http://www.studiopsiq.it/variable.php?d3d2

Sincerely, stacyzervos

From: EberlyCenterMailingList [mailto:eberly-center at mailman.utoledo.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 12:46 PM
To: stacyzervos at yahoo.com
Subject: Benedinkle cumbersmingle

I find this  kind of meta  a pretty minor offense and generally overlook it.  In some cases, I'd  use  a little coaching to help them  turn the meta into roleplay...  "Keep  it in-character, please. (Look at the tokens or  character sheets... something to shift  the focus to the characters) B  noticed A checking out the pool  and  that A doesn't  seem to notice  anything but  if  you (look at the player) want to check too, say something like: 'Hey!  What's in the pool?' Let's use  some dialog  to  play it out."  

The more you can  stay away from "I do this." "Roll."  "I  do  that." "Roll.", the  better everything will be. 

Bad meta  is when your players gather knowledge that  their  characters couldn't  possibly know... for instance,  Character A  makes a successful knowledge roll, DM describes what  A knows  and Player  A decides Character A  keeps that information  to himself.  When Character B, C  and  D start acting on the knowledge, we have a  problem. Another scenario is Player knowledge of external resources... for instance,  they  have played the module with another character  and use it to their advantage...  "Careful!  There's  a fireball trap on that chest!"  would be  an  extreme example.  This  second kind  of meta doesn't have to be player to  characters, either... it  can be  player to player, "Ut-oh! The DM has  the MM opened  to the  Trolls page!"

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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